Thursday, June 17, 2010

so here I go...

trying out starting a blog to talk about all things I have interest in from sewing, crafty projects, to awesome art and photography, or family fun. This where it begins...

I am Melissa, stay at home mom of two amazingly different girls age 4 and 6. Born and spent most of my life in Maine, and I think that will always be a part of me. Would love to relocate to Hawaii for my love of sunshine and quick, warm rain showers, but held back by the beautiful Maine coastline and its amazing summer weather. Recently moved to a new part of Maine that I'm not too familiar with and as my youngest approaches school-age I am giving myself this finial year to try out selling things on my own as an actual business with a decent income.

I've been following blogs for almost a year now, and love the crafting community out there. I'm hoping to use this as a way connect with all those amazing people out there.

So here I begin, probably with no regular posting schedule until I get the hang of this. Thanks for taking a peek into my little blog where Maine is my home.